Our Beloved Friends Who Have Gone Before And Crossed The
We cannot imagine a heaven without you all at our sides. Wait for us kids at the Rainbow Bridge. Love you all, Mum and Dad.
*Tracking Champion Damauren Lyrical Appeal AZ
Our beloved Leada was laid to rest 6th February 2011
Known as Leada of Calvary she was the matriarch of the house pack who also grieve her passing. Leada gave 13 years of humour and love to us.She was bridesmaid at our wedding, held at Calvary Hospital, Kogarah where she was a volunteer working in palliative care. So many memories and neither time nor tears will erase her from our hearts. She was all that is fabulous in a dog and also had a zany sense of humour and great reasoning ability. Leada was the mother of service dogs, show champion, tracking champion and produced Police Dog Titan and Police Dog Carts, both killed in the line of duty. Despite the pain, we are eternally grateful this kid came to us for we would not have missed the experience and joy she gave us for anything. One cannot have extreme happiness without also knowing deep sorrow. Thanks Old Girl for being all that you were. Mum and Dad.
Drepresh Royal Sovereign TD
Reigndrop crossed the Rainbow Bridge 14.5.11
I would like to thank the kind people who have sent floral tributes and cards of sympathy regarding the tragic loss of my beloved Reign. Many years have passed and the pain is no less, but it is lovely to know people care about the loss of this wonderful girl. Thank you.
My beloved Drepresh Royal Sovereign BSC1 Tracking Dog has gone over the Rainbow Bridge. Reign loved life, kids, dogs, swimming and fun. Most of all she loved me from the day our eyes met, and I loved her. Her death was unexpected after whelping and it is impossible to comprehend how one so vibrant, healthy and zaney has gone. She went without a whimper in her sleep her surviving new borns with her. I am grateful we had a holiday together recently where she romped and played in the creek and snuggled up to kids everywhere. She waited in the wings to take the place of our old girl, the last Queen of the pack, Leada. But her reign was to be short lived, just three months as leader of the house pack. The place is so still without her bounding, laughing, playing and cuddling. The pack is deeply mourning her passing, having lost two pack leaders in so short a time. How can one recover from such a loss of a healthy young dog? I don't think we really can. Reign, I will love you forever. You were my pride and joy.
Your dark brown eyes are etched in my memory. I imagine you at the gate, at the door, at my bedside, on my feet and under my arm in the office. I cannot say goodbye.
REIGN - Aged 6 Years
aka Rainbow, Raindrop

Panleda Chieftain Bey CD with Lucky the white cockatoo. Referred to as Chief 1, this dog was granted a special permit to travel on trains to raise funds for charity, including North Rocks School for Deaf and Blind Children. Christine was awarded Life Membership as a result of the funds raised. Chief was awarded Runner Up to The Most Popular Dog in NSW by the NSW Womens Dog Club.
Chief 1
The very first German Shepherd Dog in Beychief Kennels and will never be forgotten.
Beychief Jester CDX was a much loved K9 who performed at many shows and festivals in NSW. He rescued drowning man Boyd Symington. A more noble dog one could never have. Til we meet again old pal.
One truly great dog who broke many hearts when he died. Twenty five years later, still shed a tear. Hope to meet up with you and your friends across the Rainbow Bridge.

Beychief Tempest CD TD, ("Tempe") was a well known charity worker and Delta Society Therapy Dog who worked at Calvary Hospital, Kogarah. Tempe died of cancer and her ashes placed in the grave of a patient who loved her dearly.
No, we could never replace you and hope you met up with those human friends in heaven that went before you and loved you at Calvary Hospital. Love you still fifteen years later. Talk of you and the Santa run each Christmas.
TARA, TEMPE and LEADA all worked at Calvary Hospital
they were known jointly as
Australian Champion Loramax Taja Euclase CDX TDX was an outstanding dog. She received awards for her work in Palliative Care and was a Delta Society Therapy/Activity Dog and Canine Good Citizen. Her mother rejected the litter and the pups transferred to Beychief Kennels where they were fostered by Kittwell Dusty Scorpio CDX TD and her daughter, Beychief Tempest CD. TD. Tara gained excellent medals for both Tracking and Show.
Our beloved friend and companion at rest. A dog who lives on in many memories. Beautiful beyond imagination in form and character. Love you always.

Kittwell Dusty Scorpio CDX. TD. Like many K9's at beychief, did numorous public displays, raised funds for charity and was featured in a number of TV shows.
Dusty was a great companion and my heart broke when she had to be put to sleep to avoid further suffering. Her condition was terminal.
Dusty died aged six of aspergillosis leaving a huge void in our hearts

Panleda Seebee CD and Ruanill Fantom Chief CDX with a friend. Known as Chief 2, this K9 was well known in the media for his work with a blind child and for public appearances.
Jointly these dogs won the NSW Womens Dog Club's Runner Up to The Most Popular Dog In NSW in the early '70s. Due to the work done by Chief 1, Leada 1 and Chief 2, Christine was bestowed with Life Membership of the ROYAL: NSW INSTITUTE FOR DEAF AND BLIND CHILDREN by Sir Garfield Barwick.
Leada 1 and Chief 2nd

Beychief Massai Drummer TD. Known as Chief 3, he also held the title of Canine Good Citizen, Delta Society.
Chief 3rd
Sometimes they go just too early. Loved very much by his Dingo friend Mingga who has also crossed Rainbow Bridge.
Jaega was purchased from Blacktown Pound in 1987 and trained for hospital work in the Canterbury area. He was a great hit with patients and staff. He gained the titles of Companion Dog and Tracking Dog.
Jaega's first human friend died and he was sent to the pound where nobody wanted him. Mr A. Candlish an obedience judge, worked there at the time and did not want him put to sleep. We were looking for a security dog that had a great nature to work in hospitals controlling any "baddies" that was safe with staff and patients. Jaega served us well and deserved his chance at life. We never knew his parentage but that did not matter. A dog is on this earth because of human beings. It is for us to ensure they are loved and cared for regardless of a piece of paper. They still give us all they have to offer in pure love and friendship and unswerving devotion to duty.
Australian Champion Beychief Saxon (imp UK).
A Good Dog Who Travelled Half Way Round The World To Be With Us. Owned in partnership with Lucy and Bernie Young

Champion Koonski Rajah was obtained as an adult
Farewell Rajah

Tara. RNSWCC Hero Of The Year 2001 with Christine Anderson and Hugh Gent OAM
Champion Loramax Taja Euclase CDX TDX Delta Society Therapy/Activity Dog. Worked in palliative care, Calvary Hospital, Kogarah. Recipient of Delta Society USA Beyond Limits Award with her trainer, Christine. Tara also appears earlier on this page. Just want folk to remember this amazing dog. She was Breed Survey Class 1.

Champion Beychief Crusader Emblem TD
Our beloved Crusader died July 9th, 2010. Litter brother of PD Titan . Crusader was sold as a puppy and we later rescued him after he sustained multiple fractures and injuries before he was four months old. He was not expected to walk properly ever again but true to his breeding his courage pulled him through a very difficult twelve months and he beat the odds. He was shown in the All Breeds ring and won BOBs and also placed 2nd at Sydney Royal. He also gained his Tracking Dog Title. We loved him dearly and although his life was cut short (9 years), he gave us great pleasure and loved going shopping in the car and playing in the paddocks. His injuries did prevent him from ever doing jumps and tunnels, but he delighted in obedience and playing. Rest well son, you did your breed proud and will always miss you.
Known to his friends as Rabbit
(Crusader Rabbit)
Beychief Dream Catcher AZ CD TD
Jarinda Rustic Crusader AZ BSC1 TD at 15 years and 3 months
Raennik Eko AZ