Beychief Jester CDX , Panleda Seebee CD and Ruanill Phantom Chief CDX
With the Petcare Co-op Award For Community Service 1980. Chief 2 also
awarded the Petcare Co-op Medal For Services to Man.

Beychief Jester CDX being presented with the Websters Award For Outstanding
Achievement - Bravery which was awarded to him and Panleda Seebee CD jointly
for their daring rescue of Mr Boyd Symington. Leada had already passed away
when the award was presented.
Beychief Tempest CD. TD.
Canine Good Citizen and Delta Society Therapy / Activity Dog
who recieved a volunteer's certificate from the Mayor of Kogarah.

Police dog Titan

Police Dog Carts

Beychief Jester CDX and Kittwell Dusty Scorpio CDX TD with their award
presented by the Mayor of Penrith, Mr K. Dwyer. It Reads "Awarded to
Jester and Dusty in Recognition of their Outstanding Achievements and
Community Service Presented by The City of Penrith April 23rd 1987.

Tracking Champion Damauren Lyrical Appeal TDX. Known as Leada Of Calvary
and renowned for her fund raising and work in palliative care as well as being
the mother of slain Police Dogs Titan and Carts. She is also the dam of
Ch Beychief Crusader Emblem TD, Police Dog Bronx and Corrective Services dog
Demon, Tracking Champion Beychief Leaders Jet TDX.CD.ET. (Victoria),
Beychief PD Leaders Alert CD (Queensland), Beychief Dreamcatcher TD.

Jarinda Rustic Crusader TD. Multi-excellent stud dog sparingly shown.
Reserve Junior State Sieger 2002, class winner at several GSDI, shows in
NSW and class winner in SA specialty show. Rusty is the sire of Beychief
Running Wolf (Demon, Corrective Services), Beychief PD Leaders Alert AZ
CD Breed Survey Class 1 (Qld). T.Ch Beychief Leaders Jet AZ TDX. CD. ET.
Breed Survey Class 2 (Vic) and Beychief Dreamcatcher Az Td. Lovely red
sable dog by Ch Dellahund Justa Crusader AZ x Karlrach Aims T Please AZ.
Bred by D. Dury.

Tracking Champion Jarinda Mystic Sensation AZ TDX Breed Survey Class 1 with
Champion Beychief Crusader Emblem TD. Beychief Kennels would like to thank
Don Brodie OAM for handling Misty through her TDX and Tracking Champion
Titles. Misty is the mother of Beychief Drovers Boy, NSW Police Service.

T.Ch. Beychief Leaders Jet AZ C.D. E.T. Jet gained his Tracking Championship at 18 months of age.

Vince Cummins and Demon. Beychief Running Wolf, Corrective Services.
RETIRED 2011 and working security
Panleda Chieftain Bey CD with Lucky. Chief 1 was a famous charity worker and made many appearances on tv, including with his bird brained friend.