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Name : Mr Jeremy Shand
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Internet
Comments : I like your website and your dogs are beautiful. I used to have a big German Shepherd female when I was a kid, she was my constant companion and protector and looking at you breed makes me want to buy another.
Date : 19-Aug-24
Name : Ash
Web Site : http://https://animalpeoplecompany.com/dog-day-care/
Country : America
How you found us : browsing German shepherds breeders
Comments : Beautiful pups! We have our German shepherd over here in the states, and I was thinking about adding another one to our pack. These are my favorite breed...so smart, loyal, and a wonderful companion. No matter where we are, at the park, the market, doggie day care, or nursing homes, she is loved by many!
Date : 9-Jun-24
Name : Heather
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Saw your van with your van with GSD logo at Nortn
Comments : Love German Shepherds and had to look you up straight away. So impressed with your dogs and from all the comments I read love how they are such wonderful and loved family members. Fantastic and heartbreaking to read of all that your babies have achieved in life. Thankyou.
Date : 22-Jun-21
Name : Jo
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Dog obedience lectures
Comments : Hi Chris, hope you are Ok and things have improved. Baychief Royal Rose now 4yrs old. She is a beautiful girl, great with kids and other dogs, wonderful temperament like all your dogs. I remember the good old days when we were in close contact. Happy memories.
Date : 5-Jul-17
Name : John Burdett
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : Dear Christine, my boy "Beychief Martas Dream" or as we called him PAX passed in hi sleep recently. He has left a huge hole in our family. I have had many Shepherd over my years including several from Vonpeta Kennels, of all my shepherds Pax as the most beautiful nature,adorable friend that i could have ask for. He was the best!!! Hopefully later this year, when i am ready we can look to find another friend from Beychief Kennels.
Date : 21-May-17
Name : Dee
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : dogzonline
Comments : Your dogs are beautiful. I am getting my shepherd in 3 weeks and cant wait, they are the best dog, loyal and devoted and give so much love. It was sad to see that a couple of dogs have lost their lives in the line of duty but that's what they do dogs give you their all.
Date : 23-Sep-15
Name : Pam Cillero
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Word of Mouth
Comments : Hi Christine,
We bought our beautiful boy Eko off you in 2013. He was from your Eko and Daisy. He is a much loved member of our family with 3 other doggy mates to play with..... 2 older jack Russell's and his best mate a kelpie pup called Banjo. Not only is he a superb guard dog on our 27acre property but has grown up the best friend of our now 6 year old. He is very respectful, protective, loyal but a huge smooch with us......all the things a shepherd should be!
Date : 6-Aug-15
Name : Jennie J
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Friends
Comments : Chris, I met you 35 years ago when you trained my beloved Frisky Girl. She had a litter of pups sired by Jester. I had calls years later asking if I was still breading as the pups had turned out to be great dogs and they wanted another the same. We are still friends, and now my children are coming to you to buy pups for their families. Thank you for introducing us to this beautiful breed of dog and thank you for who you are, a wonderful person who has touched so many hearts.
Date : 26-Jul-15
Name : Teressa
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Internet
Comments : I just wanted to let Christine know that we purchased a puppy coco from her only 2 days ago now, how impressed we are not once has coco pooed or wheed inside what a well behaved pup thank you Christine 😀
Date : 13-Jun-15
Name : Naomi Baird
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : Hi Christine. We recently purchased one of your pups and have been very impressed with his ability to learn to quickly. Chief is a much loved member of our family and his well grounded and kind nature is indicative of the time and effort that you put into your dogs. We searched long and hard for a dog of this calibre and definitely happy we waited until we were able to purchase one from you. Thank you and keep an eye out for pics in your email ☺
Date : 8-Oct-14
Name : Rob & Michelle
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Internet search
Comments : Hi Christine, Just a short note that my wife and I are looking for a GS to replace our old boy who had just passed away after 14y7m. He will be long remembered and cherished. Hopefully in the near future we will contact you. I especially li8ke the pages with the Police Dogs as I am an ex. Regards Rob
Date : 28-Sep-14
Name : Lisa
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : neighbours
Comments : Could not resist adding my tribute- I am proud mum to two Beychief girls - Titan's sister, Beychief Calvary Faith and my baby, Beychief Dream's Hope (Faith and Hope) The best, most intelligent, loyal and beautiful friends I could ever hope for. Thank you Chris.
Date : 2-Sep-14
Name : Steve
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : browsing german shepherd breeders
Comments : I recently lost my male GSD (6 years one day) as the result of anal fistulas and was looking for breeders to purchase healthy German Shepherds from in the future. We still have an 8 year old female (with double hip displaysia)whose obedience/agility activity was cut short before it started. So we love the breed but got unlucky with our dogs health...their temperment is/was beautiful. Eventually we'll need another gsd but our girl is too old for a new pup. I hope you get the council stuff sorted. You certainly have lovely dogs. Have a great 201!
Date : 27-Dec-13
Name : Olaf
Web Site : http://www.ostblut-schferhund.de
Country : Germany
How you found us :
Comments : Hello, I was just on your website and wanted to say hello from Germany.
Beautiful dogs you have!
Many greetings Olaf
Date : 22-Nov-13
Name : John
Web Site :
Country : Australlia
How you found us : Facebook
Comments : You guys do a great job and a great service to the NSW Police Force, the communtiy is behind you with the current council harrasement.
Date : 16-Nov-13
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Casino, NSW, Australia
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